Matt playing arcade games with his son



Develops websites and games with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Lua, C#, and game engines


Designs learning experiences with principles from constructivism and connectivism theories


Creates low-res pixel art, animations, and sprites; Codes digital and interactive art


Teaches coding, video game dev, and robotics; Volunteers with student competitions



I began developing video games with BASIC programming at a young age. I created computer games, graphics, and animations with an Olivetti M20 computer. Ever since, I've enjoyed coding, creating games, and building digital spaces. I'm fascinated with web technologies, video game development, and computer science.

I have a passion for modern art and retro video game aesthetics. I'm a low-res pixel artist, and I enjoy creating tiny characters, worlds, and objects. Some of these pixelated sprites are used in my games, but several of them just find their way into my collection of animated art.

I began my teaching career as a special education teacher where I led the use of assistive and instructional technology. I earned my master's degree in educational technology and curriculum from Ball State University (BSU) where I studied the use of the Python programming language with elementary students to teach mathematics, specifically geometry concepts.

While working at Project Lead The Way (PLTW), I led the design and development of an online physical computing curriculum. As part of that project, I established an educational technology partnership with Microsoft MakeCode and the Micro:bit Educational Foundation. I also designed professional development and trained cohorts of licensed middle school educators in physical computing and computer science instruction.

I recently led the Digital Learning Team at ECPI University. We designed and developed web-based learning games, simulations, and instructional media for students and faculty. Currently I'm a curriculum developer for CodeHS and manage web and game development courses.

I'm a licensed computer science teacher in the State of Indiana, a member of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), and a volunteer referee/juror for robotics and video game development student competitions. I'm also a coffee fanatic who enjoys playing games, reading, watching movies, taking walks with our dog, and just laughing with my family.